Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Beneath Me

My faithful friends, recently I have come to realize some circumstances and situations that I consider beneath me. He said, she said, I don't likes and think I mights that come from people who have never shaped or formed my life.

Each day I learn that atmosphere is one of the greatest universal tools that has been granted to us. Even though it is the greatest, I am amazed to find that it is yet the hardest to clean and filter. Everyone feels they have the right to contaminate your atmosphere. Speaking on and about what you can never agree with. Attempting to liter on your horizon only because they have never stretched their arms open wide to embrace another culture and diversity other than their own. So to that I will simply say, "I AM ME" exactly what I choose to be. Your thoughts and opinions, if not productive; are BENEATH ME!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Are you listening

Is there anybody listening?

What happened to the days when we heard something that made our souls leap.
WE would stand up and clap our hands.
What happened to the days when we read an article that moved our spirits to action.
We were compelled to comply with a note to the editor.
What happened to the days when we heard a special melody, we all sang along.

What happened to those days?
Read, leave a comment, good or not so good. Join as a follower of this blog if you can really relate or just moved by it's content. It's not just for me but also a place to be you.

If your listening to me, I'll be listening to you.

Friday, October 2, 2009


I looked into the mirror this morning.
Not the mirror that hangs on the wall, for it has often caused my countenance to fall.

I saw beautiful today, staring back at me.
Letting me know what I shall be.
Gift of splendor, gift of grace, my internal mirror can never be replaced.

Every inch, every curve, I look and sigh, because I am a wonder, beautiful inside.
Time has come and time will bend because of the mirror that lives within.

Passing the grade and making the cut.
Lots of confidence when I strut, Taking the tour of what is in me.
Internal mirror, allows me to be beautiful me.

Beautiful to you, maybe not but it is what I see and I declare I am HOT!
(Bonita Nixon 10/2/09)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Proclamation of My Promise

"God wrote this book called ME, I'm just living out the pages." (Bonita Nixon)

Finally I get it. I've signed the document of S-E-L-F and received the proclamation of my promise.

Recently I walked in the power of being the victor and not the victim of someone else's problems. Why as women, do we assign ourselves to the duty of making brick with no straw? Spending hours listening to immature conversations of other peoples problems. Why do we host the fact of entertaining bad relationships. Why do so many of us agree to pack away our dreams in the hope chest of life, only to support something or someone who has no vision.

I am convinced, this is victim mentality and is not what God authored for me. So, for all of you who read this last statement, examine it under your mental microscope; I set you free with the proclamation of this promise, it's OK to reject low self-esteem, It's OK to love yourself and it's OK to be yourself. Most importantly, as you pursue self, you must know what the definition of self is.


Dare yourself to live this way.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Standing!!My journey to build me, my business has brought me to a place of challenge. A place where more is required and excellence is demanded. Journey is insisting that I stand. Regardless of what things look like, no matter how tight the squeeze, I must stand!

In the maturing of me, I have discovered that the challenging milestones of my life will soon be mile markers in my rear view window, fading away into distant blackness as I keep going . Wisdom speaks to me, encouraging me, letting me know that milestones are my life trophies as I stand, or


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's been a while since I last made a post, but that is for a good reason. I am busy creating my product line, getting my website done and planing an awesome 2010 year for Countenance.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The highest form of money is thought and ideas are currency.
How often have we missed the door of prosperity by not realizing that we are our thoughts.
Where we stand today is a direct result of our thinking."What so ever a man thinks, so is he."
Every God given thought we abandon, every idea we pass over, closes the door to true prosperity.
Seize every thought and idea. Practice the "N-O-W" principal, which = No Opportunities Wasted.

Think About It

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Emerging Me

Getting organized is my task at hand today. So much to do and so little time to do it all in. Sometime I feel like an emotional caterpillar with the anticipation of knowing who I stand on the verge of becoming. Waiting to take my wings and explore the beauty of me. Still I wrestle with allowing myself to go first, not to allow others to take up my space. The emergence of me happens one step, one product, one day at a time.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I looked out my window this morning and what a beautiful day it is. The sun is shining and I'm focused to accomplish the task I have on my agenda.Formulate a new fragrance, label some of my soaps and build my dream board. All of a sudden as I think about my dream board, I wonder who's in my dream. Have you ever noticed that when you are focused to accomplish your goal friends become few and for a season you walk alone until God sends someone across your path.
When you are destined to go to the other side, wayside people must be on their way. Those around you that have allowed slothfulness to choke them into unfruitfulness only become withered from the root. Look out your window once again, the Son and the Sun is shining giving you the command to "Carpe Diem" (seize the day). Realize that friends become few and all is not ordained to go with you. Focus yourself to accomplish your dream and while your dreaming, dream B-I-G !

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Have you ever took the time to think about the answers concerning your life? Have you ever really searched for where they come from? Why is it, that we seek truth from so many outside forces, dead end relationships, dead end jobs, envious friendships, pretensive identity and just plain out stuck on stupid situations. We risk our days (days that are numbered, might I add) on pleasing outside forces that barely have it together themselves. Answers, truth that is, come from within. Pre-packed by the Father waiting for you to discover that the art of finding the true you, rest within you. Have you done anything toward your destiny today?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hello, to all my future friends,

This site is very dear to me, it is the birth of a lifelong dream. If you a woman who has lived your life being all things to all people, being a good daughter, a good wife and mother, being the cheerleader of everyone else's dream. Finally you breath, take a Selah moment and realize it's your turn, then you feel me when I say this is my B-I-R-T-H ! This blog is my journey to building me, my business, my dream life. Somehow I know the time is right and that all things are possible. Join me, push me, motivate me, celebrate with me. Most of all, hold me accountable to stick with it. My prayer for you, is that my journey inspires you to birth you.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Coming Soon

The best in natural skincare, bath care and cosmetics.